Helper Schedule

Compass wouldn’t happen without your help! The co-op model works best when everyone pitches in to help for the better of the community and the students. We are eager to have you involved because we know you have a lot to offer. We are grateful for your help!

    1. Please arrive 15 min early for class and ask the teacher how you can help. If you are scheduled for the second or third class of the day, the teacher is often still prepping. Find them and ask how you can help get ready for class.

    2. Be proactive in asking the teacher how you can help.

    3. Do any copying or prep work the teacher requests.

    4. Help with classroom management and projects.

    5. Ensure the room is cleaned up at the end of class.

    6. Teaching any classes you have agreed to teach (if you are helping the teacher in this way).

    7. Assisting in grading and tracking the student’s homework.

    8. Arranging for a replacement helper when absent due to illness, vacation. etc.

    9. We ask for helpers to refrain from cell phone use during class.

  • We know things come up—planned and unplanned. Here is what we ask you to do:

    1. We have found that finding a replacement works best when you have a friend or two who you typically switch with. Your first step, then, is to text/email those one or two specific people to see if you can switch with them.

    2. If they are unavailable, email the parents who have students in the class.

    3. If none of those parents can switch, then email Compass more broadly if needed. We ask this not be your first step. However, if you need to do this, email addresses and phone numbers can be found in the “Current Families” section. That section is password protected. You were provided with that password at the beginning of the year.

    4. Once you have your replacement scheduled, let the teacher know, as well as the grade captain.