Compass Defined


Compass is a Christian, Bible believing and Christ-centered homeschool co-op created to serve homeschooling families in Covenant  Fellowship Church and other Sovereign Grace churches. When room is available we love to include  like-minded families from the community as well. Classes meet on Thursdays at Covenant Fellowship  Church in Glen Mills, PA. Compass is led by homeschool moms under the oversight of Pastor Marty  Machowski.


Compass is not meant to function as a “school” or a drop-off co-op where class teachers take full responsibility for student learning. Instead, we provide classes to supplement student learning at  home. For example, students in the high school history class are working through the same curriculum  at home and come together on Thursdays for discussion, presentations, debates, and the sharing of  ideas and assignments. Teachers check and comment on assignments, but parents are responsible to  assign grades and ensure their student completes adequate work for their grade level. Parents are  responsible for deciding if any supplemental material is needed and should provide that for their  student.

Co-op Community

At Compass, we value the encouragement and support a close-knit co-op provides. Moms are encouraged to stay and enjoy fellowship when they are not serving. Our desire is that the  classes and environment at Compass would be God-honoring and would build up both the students  and parents who participate.   


Although some classes may not refer to spiritual matters, teachers may (and are encouraged to) include biblical, gospel-centered truths where appropriate. For example, science classes may reference  creation, history classes may reference an event in church history, a literature class may consider an  author’s faith. For additional information about our doctrine, see Covenant Fellowship Church  Statement of Faith.  

Disciplinary Action

Compass classrooms are built upon the respect of both teacher and student. Students are expected to participate to the best of their ability in class without the assistance of a parent. If a problem arises in the classroom, the teacher will first talk with the child whose behavior is not  conducive to the class learning environment and parents will be notified of any corrections made in  the classroom. If the behavior continues, the teacher will discuss the behavior with the parent. Though  we encourage parents to view Compass as a learning environment for both knowledge and character, if  any student is not able to comply with the standards of respectful behavior in class, Compass reserves  the right to remove the student from the class. The parent will be called and asked to pick up their  child immediately and will not be allowed to return to class for the remainder of the day. If the  behavior does not change over the course of several weeks, Compass may expel the student from  participation in the rest of classes for the year.