2nd Grade Writing & Literature 

Required Textbook: Books from the Library, Explode the Code 3

Course Description: This class is focused on helping new readers get excited about the books they are reading and making writing enjoyable by exploring different genres and writing styles. Students will read a chapter book (or a few picture books) each month that stem from one writing style or genre. We will spend our class time on interactive games and fun activities based on what we are learning as we read. Spelling, grammar, and vocabulary will be included in both class time and homework. We will have a few simple projects to grow their creative prowess and public speaking skills.  While some homework will be assigned, there will be room for parents to add more if they prefer.

Classroom Work: Activities, games, projects, reading, and writing. 

Homework: Reading, writing, small projects, vocabulary, spelling, grammar. 

*Please do not purchase any materials until you receive confirmation from the class teacher of materials being used.